-`DETECTED_CHARSETS_ORDER`: **UTF-8, UTF-16BE, UTF-16LE, UTF-32BE, UTF-32LE, ISO-8859, windows-1252, ISO-8859, windows-1250, ISO-8859, ISO-8859, ISO-8859, windows-1253, ISO-8859, windows-1255, ISO-8859, windows-1251, windows-1256, KOI8-R, ISO-8859, windows-1254, Shift_JIS, GB18030, EUC-JP, EUC-KR, Big5, ISO-2022, ISO-2022, ISO-2022, IBM424_rtl, IBM424_ltr, IBM420_rtl, IBM420_ltr**: Tie-break order of detected charsets - if the detected charsets have equal confidence, charsets earlier in the list will be chosen in preference to those later. Adding `defaults` will place the unnamed charsets at that point.
-`ANSI_CHARSET`: **\<empty\>**: Default ANSI charset to override non-UTF-8 charsets to.
-`DISABLED_REPO_UNITS`: **_empty_**: Comma separated list of globally disabled repo units. Allowed values: \[repo.issues, repo.ext_issues, repo.pulls, repo.wiki, repo.ext_wiki, repo.projects\]
-`DEFAULT_REPO_UNITS`: **repo.code,repo.releases,repo.issues,repo.pulls,repo.wiki,repo.projects**: Comma separated list of default repo units. Allowed values: \[repo.code, repo.releases, repo.issues, repo.pulls, repo.wiki, repo.projects\]. Note: Code and Releases can currently not be deactivated. If you specify default repo units you should still list them for future compatibility. External wiki and issue tracker can't be enabled by default as it requires additional settings. Disabled repo units will not be added to new repositories regardless if it is in the default list.
-`ALLOW_ADOPTION_OF_UNADOPTED_REPOSITORIES`: **false**: Allow non-admin users to adopt unadopted repositories
-`ALLOW_DELETION_OF_UNADOPTED_REPOSITORIES`: **false**: Allow non-admin users to delete unadopted repositories
### Repository - Editor (`repository.editor`)
-`LINE_WRAP_EXTENSIONS`: **.txt,.md,.markdown,.mdown,.mkd,**: List of file extensions for which lines should be wrapped in the Monaco editor. Separate extensions with a comma. To line wrap files without an extension, just put a comma
-`PREVIEWABLE_FILE_MODES`: **markdown**: Valid file modes that have a preview API associated with them, such as `api/v1/markdown`. Separate the values by commas. The preview tab in edit mode won't be displayed if the file extension doesn't match.
-`DEFAULT_MERGE_MESSAGE_COMMITS_LIMIT`: **50**: In the default merge message for squash commits include at most this many commits. Set to `-1` to include all commits
-`DEFAULT_MERGE_MESSAGE_SIZE`: **5120**: In the default merge message for squash commits limit the size of the commit messages. Set to `-1` to have no limit.
-`DEFAULT_MERGE_MESSAGE_ALL_AUTHORS`: **false**: In the default merge message for squash commits walk all commits to include all authors in the Co-authored-by otherwise just use those in the limited list
-`DEFAULT_MERGE_MESSAGE_MAX_APPROVERS`: **10**: In default merge messages limit the number of approvers listed as `Reviewed-by:`. Set to `-1` to include all.
-`DEFAULT_MERGE_MESSAGE_OFFICIAL_APPROVERS_ONLY`: **true**: In default merge messages only include approvers who are officially allowed to review.
-`ENABLED`: **true**: Whether repository file uploads are enabled
-`TEMP_PATH`: **data/tmp/uploads**: Path for uploads (tmp gets deleted on gitea restart)
-`ALLOWED_TYPES`: **\<empty\>**: Comma-separated list of allowed file extensions (`.zip`), mime types (`text/plain`) or wildcard type (`image/*`, `audio/*`, `video/*`). Empty value or `*/*` allows all types.
-`FILE_MAX_SIZE`: **3**: Max size of each file in megabytes.
-`MAX_FILES`: **5**: Max number of files per upload
### Repository - Release (`repository.release`)
-`ALLOWED_TYPES`: **\<empty\>**: Comma-separated list of allowed file extensions (`.zip`), mime types (`text/plain`) or wildcard type (`image/*`, `audio/*`, `video/*`). Empty value or `*/*` allows all types.
-`SIGNING_KEY`: **default**: \[none, KEYID, default \]: Key to sign with.
-`SIGNING_NAME`&`SIGNING_EMAIL`: if a KEYID is provided as the `SIGNING_KEY`, use these as the Name and Email address of the signer. These should match publicized name and email address for the key.
-`THEME_COLOR_META_TAG`: **#6cc644**: Value of `theme-color` meta tag, used by Android >= 5.0. An invalid color like "none" or "disable" will have the default style. More info: https://developers.google.com/web/updates/2014/11/Support-for-theme-color-in-Chrome-39-for-Android
-`MAX_DISPLAY_FILE_SIZE`: **8388608**: Max size of files to be displayed (default is 8MiB)
-`DEFAULT_SHOW_FULL_NAME`: **false**: Whether the full name of the users should be shown where possible. If the full name isn't set, the username will be used.
-`SEARCH_REPO_DESCRIPTION`: **true**: Whether to search within description at repository search on explore page.
-`USE_SERVICE_WORKER`: **true**: Whether to enable a Service Worker to cache frontend assets.
-`MIN_TIMEOUT`: **10s**: These options control how often notification endpoint is polled to update the notification count. On page load the notification count will be checked after `MIN_TIMEOUT`. The timeout will increase to `MAX_TIMEOUT` by `TIMEOUT_STEP` if the notification count is unchanged. Set MIN_TIMEOUT to 0 to turn off.
-`EVENT_SOURCE_UPDATE_TIME`: **10s**: This setting determines how often the database is queried to update notification counts. If the browser client supports `EventSource` and `SharedWorker`, a `SharedWorker` will be used in preference to polling notification endpoint. Set to **-1** to disable the `EventSource`.
-`ENABLE_RENDER`: **true**: Whether to render SVG files as images. If SVG rendering is disabled, SVG files are displayed as text and cannot be embedded in markdown files as images.
-`SSH_CREATE_AUTHORIZED_KEYS_FILE`: **true**: Gitea will create a authorized_keys file by default when it is not using the internal ssh server. If you intend to use the AuthorizedKeysCommand functionality then you should turn this off.
-`SSH_TRUSTED_USER_CA_KEYS`: **\<empty\>**: Specifies the public keys of certificate authorities that are trusted to sign user certificates for authentication. Multiple keys should be comma separated. E.g.`ssh-<algorithm><key>` or `ssh-<algorithm> <key1>, ssh-<algorithm> <key2>`. For more information see `TrustedUserCAKeys` in the sshd config man pages. When empty no file will be created and `SSH_AUTHORIZED_PRINCIPALS_ALLOW` will default to `off`.
-`SSH_TRUSTED_USER_CA_KEYS_FILENAME`: **`RUN_USER`/.ssh/gitea-trusted-user-ca-keys.pem**: Absolute path of the `TrustedUserCaKeys` file gitea will manage. If you're running your own ssh server and you want to use the gitea managed file you'll also need to modify your sshd_config to point to this file. The official docker image will automatically work without further configuration.
-`SSH_AUTHORIZED_PRINCIPALS_ALLOW`: **off** or **username, email**: \[off, username, email, anything\]: Specify the principals values that users are allowed to use as principal. When set to `anything` no checks are done on the principal string. When set to `off` authorized principal are not allowed to be set.
-`SSH_CREATE_AUTHORIZED_PRINCIPALS_FILE`: **false/true**: Gitea will create a authorized_principals file by default when it is not using the internal ssh server and `SSH_AUTHORIZED_PRINCIPALS_ALLOW` is not `off`.
-`SSH_AUTHORIZED_PRINCIPALS_BACKUP`: **false/true**: Enable SSH Authorized Principals Backup when rewriting all keys, default is true if `SSH_AUTHORIZED_PRINCIPALS_ALLOW` is not `off`.
-`SSH_SERVER_CIPHERS`: **aes128-ctr, aes192-ctr, aes256-ctr, aes128-gcm@openssh.com, arcfour256, arcfour128**: For the built-in SSH server, choose the ciphers to support for SSH connections, for system SSH this setting has no effect.
-`SSH_SERVER_KEY_EXCHANGES`: **diffie-hellman-group1-sha1, diffie-hellman-group14-sha1, ecdh-sha2-nistp256, ecdh-sha2-nistp384, ecdh-sha2-nistp521, curve25519-sha256@libssh.org**: For the built-in SSH server, choose the key exchange algorithms to support for SSH connections, for system SSH this setting has no effect.
-`SSH_SERVER_MACS`: **hmac-sha2-256-etm@openssh.com, hmac-sha2-256, hmac-sha1, hmac-sha1-96**: For the built-in SSH server, choose the MACs to support for SSH connections, for system SSH this setting has no effect
-`SSH_KEY_TEST_PATH`: **/tmp**: Directory to create temporary files in when testing public keys using ssh-keygen, default is the system temporary directory.
-`SSH_KEYGEN_PATH`: **ssh-keygen**: Path to ssh-keygen, default is 'ssh-keygen' which means the shell is responsible for finding out which one to call.
-`SSH_EXPOSE_ANONYMOUS`: **false**: Enable exposure of SSH clone URL to anonymous visitors, default is false.
-`CERT_FILE`: **https/cert.pem**: Cert file path used for HTTPS. When chaining, the server certificate must come first, then intermediate CA certificates (if any). From 1.11 paths are relative to `CUSTOM_PATH`.
-`STATIC_CACHE_TIME`: **6h**: Web browser cache time for static resources on `custom/`, `public/` and all uploaded avatars. Note that this cache is disabled when `RUN_MODE` is "dev".
-`ENABLE_PPROF`: **false**: Application profiling (memory and cpu). For "web" command it listens on localhost:6060. For "serv" command it dumps to disk at `PPROF_DATA_PATH` as `(cpuprofile|memprofile)_<username>_<temporary id>`
-`PPROF_DATA_PATH`: **data/tmp/pprof**: `PPROF_DATA_PATH`, use an absolute path when you start gitea as service
-`REDIRECT_OTHER_PORT`: **false**: If true and `PROTOCOL` is https, allows redirecting http requests on `PORT_TO_REDIRECT` to the https port Gitea listens on.
-`PORT_TO_REDIRECT`: **80**: Port for the http redirection service to listen on. Used when `REDIRECT_OTHER_PORT` is true.
-`ENABLE_LETSENCRYPT`: **false**: If enabled you must set `DOMAIN` to valid internet facing domain (ensure DNS is set and port 80 is accessible by letsencrypt validation server).
-`ALLOW_GRACEFUL_RESTARTS`: **true**: Perform a graceful restart on SIGHUP
-`GRACEFUL_HAMMER_TIME`: **60s**: After a restart the parent process will stop accepting new connections and will allow requests to finish before stopping. Shutdown will be forced if it takes longer than this time.
-`STARTUP_TIMEOUT`: **0**: Shutsdown the server if startup takes longer than the provided time. On Windows setting this sends a waithint to the SVC host to tell the SVC host startup may take some time. Please note startup is determined by the opening of the listeners - HTTP/HTTPS/SSH. Indexers may take longer to startup and can have their own timeouts.
-`PASSWD`: **\<empty\>**: Database user password. Use \`your password\` or """your password""" for quoting if you use special characters in the password.
-`SSL_MODE`: **disable**: SSL/TLS encryption mode for connecting to the database. This option is only applied for PostgreSQL and MySQL.
- Valid values for MySQL:
-`true`: Enable TLS with verification of the database server certificate against its root certificate. When selecting this option make sure that the root certificate required to validate the database server certificate (e.g. the CA certificate) is on the system certificate store of both the database and Gitea servers. See your system documentation for instructions on how to add a CA certificate to the certificate store.
-`false`: Disable TLS.
-`disable`: Alias for `false`, for compatibility with PostgreSQL.
-`skip-verify`: Enable TLS without database server certificate verification. Use this option if you have self-signed or invalid certificate on the database server.
-`prefer`: Enable TLS with fallback to non-TLS connection.
- Valid values for PostgreSQL:
-`disable`: Disable TLS.
-`require`: Enable TLS without any verifications.
-`verify-ca`: Enable TLS with verification of the database server certificate against its root certificate.
-`verify-full`: Enable TLS and verify the database server name matches the given certificate in either the `Common Name` or `Subject Alternative Name` fields.
-`CHARSET`: **utf8mb4**: For MySQL only, either "utf8" or "utf8mb4". NOTICE: for "utf8mb4" you must use MySQL InnoDB > 5.6. Gitea is unable to check this.
-`MAX_OPEN_CONNS`**0**: Database maximum open connections - default is 0, meaning there is no limit.
-`MAX_IDLE_CONNS`**2**: Max idle database connections on connnection pool, default is 2 - this will be capped to `MAX_OPEN_CONNS`.
-`CONN_MAX_LIFETIME`**0 or 3s**: Sets the maximum amount of time a DB connection may be reused - default is 0, meaning there is no limit (except on MySQL where it is 3s - see #6804ᮟ).
-`ISSUE_INDEXER_TYPE`: **bleve**: Issue indexer type, currently supported: `bleve`, `db` or `elasticsearch`.
-`ISSUE_INDEXER_CONN_STR`: ****: Issue indexer connection string, available when ISSUE_INDEXER_TYPE is elasticsearch. i.e. http://elastic:changeme@localhost:9200
-`ISSUE_INDEXER_NAME`: **gitea_issues**: Issue indexer name, available when ISSUE_INDEXER_TYPE is elasticsearch
-`ISSUE_INDEXER_PATH`: **indexers/issues.bleve**: Index file used for issue search; available when ISSUE_INDEXER_TYPE is bleve and elasticsearch.
-`ISSUE_INDEXER_QUEUE_DIR`: **indexers/issues.queue**: When `ISSUE_INDEXER_QUEUE_TYPE` is `levelqueue`, this will be the path where the queue will be saved.
-`ISSUE_INDEXER_QUEUE_CONN_STR`: **addrs= db=0**: When `ISSUE_INDEXER_QUEUE_TYPE` is `redis`, this will store the redis connection string. When `ISSUE_INDEXER_QUEUE_TYPE` is `levelqueue`, this is a directory or additional options of the form `leveldb://path/to/db?option=value&....`, and overrides `ISSUE_INDEXER_QUEUE_DIR`.
-`REPO_INDEXER_CONN_STR`: ****: Code indexer connection string, available when `REPO_INDEXER_TYPE` is elasticsearch. i.e. http://elastic:changeme@localhost:9200
-`REPO_INDEXER_NAME`: **gitea_codes**: Code indexer name, available when `REPO_INDEXER_TYPE` is elasticsearch
-`REPO_INDEXER_INCLUDE`: **empty**: A comma separated list of glob patterns (see https://github.com/gobwas/glob) to **include** in the index. Use `**.txt` to match any files with .txt extension. An empty list means include all files.
-`REPO_INDEXER_EXCLUDE`: **empty**: A comma separated list of glob patterns (see https://github.com/gobwas/glob) to **exclude** from the index. Files that match this list will not be indexed, even if they match in `REPO_INDEXER_INCLUDE`.
-`STARTUP_TIMEOUT`: **30s**: If the indexer takes longer than this timeout to start - fail. (This timeout will be added to the hammer time above for child processes - as bleve will not start until the previous parent is shutdown.) Set to zero to never timeout.
-`DATADIR`: **queues/**: Base DataDir for storing persistent and level queues. `DATADIR` for individual queues can be set in `queue.name` sections but will default to `DATADIR/`**`name`**.
-`CONN_STR`: **redis://**: Connection string for the redis queue type. Options can be set using query params. Similarly LevelDB options can also be set using: **leveldb://relative/path?option=value** or **leveldb:///absolute/path?option=value**, and will override `DATADIR`
-`QUEUE_NAME`: **_queue**: The suffix for default redis and disk queue name. Individual queues will default to **`name`**`QUEUE_NAME` but can be overriden in the specific `queue.name` section.
-`SET_NAME`: **_unique**: The suffix that will be added to the default redis and disk queue `set` name for unique queues. Individual queues will default to
**`name`**`QUEUE_NAME`_`SET_NAME`_ but can be overridden in the specific `queue.name` section.
-`WRAP_IF_NECESSARY`: **true**: Will wrap queues with a timeoutable queue if the selected queue is not ready to be created - (Only relevant for the level queue.)
-`MAX_ATTEMPTS`: **10**: Maximum number of attempts to create the wrapped queue
-`TIMEOUT`: **GRACEFUL_HAMMER_TIME + 30s**: Timeout the creation of the wrapped queue if it takes longer than this to create.
- Queues by default come with a dynamically scaling worker pool. The following settings configure this:
-`WORKERS`: **1**: Number of initial workers for the queue.
-`MAX_WORKERS`: **10**: Maximum number of worker go-routines for the queue.
-`BLOCK_TIMEOUT`: **1s**: If the queue blocks for this time, boost the number of workers - the `BLOCK_TIMEOUT` will then be doubled before boosting again whilst the boost is ongoing.
-`BOOST_TIMEOUT`: **5m**: Boost workers will timeout after this long.
-`BOOST_WORKERS`: **5**: This many workers will be added to the worker pool if there is a boost.
-`ONLY_ALLOW_PUSH_IF_GITEA_ENVIRONMENT_SET`: **true**: Set to `false` to allow local users to push to gitea-repositories without setting up the Gitea environment. This is not recommended and if you want local users to push to gitea repositories you should set the environment appropriately.
-`INTERNAL_TOKEN`: **\<random at every install if no uri set\>**: Secret used to validate communication within Gitea binary.
-`INTERNAL_TOKEN_URI`: **<empty>**: Instead of defining internal token in the configuration, this configuration option can be used to give Gitea a path to a file that contains the internal token (example value: `file:/etc/gitea/internal_token`)
-`PASSWORD_COMPLEXITY`: **off**: Comma separated list of character classes required to pass minimum complexity. If left empty or no valid values are specified, checking is disabled (off):
- Note, if the port ends with `465` SMTPS/SMTP over TLS will be used despite this setting.
- Otherwise if `IS_TLS_ENABLED=false` and the server supports `STARTTLS` this will be used. Thus if `STARTTLS` is preferred you should set `IS_TLS_ENABLED=false`.
- Please note: authentication is only supported when the SMTP server communication is encrypted with TLS (this can be via `STARTTLS`) or `HOST=localhost`. See [Email Setup]({{< relref "doc/usage/email-setup.en-us.md" >}}) for more information.
-`AVATAR_STORAGE_TYPE`: **default**: Storage type defined in `[storage.xxx]`. Default is `default` which will read `[storage]` if no section `[storage]` will be a type `local`.
-`AVATAR_MAX_WIDTH`: **4096**: Maximum avatar image width in pixels.
-`AVATAR_MAX_HEIGHT`: **3072**: Maximum avatar image height in pixels.
-`AVATAR_MAX_FILE_SIZE`: **1048576** (1Mb): Maximum avatar image file size in bytes.
-`REPOSITORY_AVATAR_STORAGE_TYPE`: **default**: Storage type defined in `[storage.xxx]`. Default is `default` which will read `[storage]` if no section `[storage]` will be a type `local`.
-`REPOSITORY_AVATAR_FALLBACK_IMAGE`: **/img/repo_default.png**: Image used as default repository avatar (if `REPOSITORY_AVATAR_FALLBACK` is set to image and none was uploaded)
-`ENABLED`: **true**: Whether issue and pull request attachments are enabled.
-`ALLOWED_TYPES`: **.docx,.gif,.gz,.jpeg,.jpg,.log,.pdf,.png,.pptx,.txt,.xlsx,.zip**: Comma-separated list of allowed file extensions (`.zip`), mime types (`text/plain`) or wildcard type (`image/*`, `audio/*`, `video/*`). Empty value or `*/*` allows all types.
-`STORAGE_TYPE`: **local**: Storage type for attachments, `local` for local disk or `minio` for s3 compatible object storage service, default is `local` or other name defined with `[storage.xxx]`
-`SERVE_DIRECT`: **false**: Allows the storage driver to redirect to authenticated URLs to serve files directly. Currently, only Minio/S3 is supported via signed URLs, local does nothing.
-`MODE`: **console**: Logging mode. For multiple modes, use a comma to separate values. You can configure each mode in per mode log subsections `\[log.modename\]`. By default the file mode will log to `$ROOT_PATH/gitea.log`.
-`STACKTRACE_LEVEL`: **None**: Default log level at which to log create stack traces. \[Trace, Debug, Info, Warn, Error, Critical, Fatal, None\]
-`ROUTER_LOG_LEVEL`: **Info**: The log level that the router should log at. (If you are setting the access log, its recommended to place this at Debug.)
-`ROUTER`: **console**: The mode or name of the log the router should log to. (If you set this to `,` it will log to default gitea logger.)
NB: You must have `DISABLE_ROUTER_LOG` set to `false` for this option to take effect. Configure each mode in per mode log subsections `\[log.modename.router\]`.
-`ENABLE_ACCESS_LOG`: **false**: Creates an access.log in NCSA common log format, or as per the following template
-`ACCESS`: **file**: Logging mode for the access logger, use a comma to separate values. Configure each mode in per mode log subsections `\[log.modename.access\]`. By default the file mode will log to `$ROOT_PATH/access.log`. (If you set this to `,` it will log to the default gitea logger.)
-`Identity`: the SignedUserName or `"-"` if not logged in.
-`Start`: the start time of the request.
-`ResponseWriter`: the responseWriter from the request.
- You must be very careful to ensure that this template does not throw errors or panics as this template runs outside of the panic/recovery script.
-`ENABLE_XORM_LOG`: **true**: Set whether to perform XORM logging. Please note SQL statement logging can be disabled by setting `LOG_SQL` to false in the `[database]` section.
### Log subsections (`log.name`, `log.name.*`)
-`LEVEL`: **log.LEVEL**: Sets the log-level of this sublogger. Defaults to the `LEVEL` set in the global `[log]` section.
-`STACKTRACE_LEVEL`: **log.STACKTRACE_LEVEL**: Sets the log level at which to log stack traces.
-`MODE`: **name**: Sets the mode of this sublogger - Defaults to the provided subsection name. This allows you to have two different file loggers at different levels.
-`EXPRESSION`: **""**: A regular expression to match either the function name, file or message. Defaults to empty. Only log messages that match the expression will be saved in the logger.
-`FLAGS`: **stdflags**: A comma separated string representing the log flags. Defaults to `stdflags` which represents the prefix: `2009/01/23 01:23:23 ...a/b/c/d.go:23:runtime.Caller() [I]: message`. `none` means don't prefix log lines. See `modules/log/base.go` for more information.
-`PREFIX`: **""**: An additional prefix for every log line in this logger. Defaults to empty.
-`COLORIZE`: **false**: Colorize the log lines by default
### Console log mode (`log.console`, `log.console.*`, or `MODE=console`)
-`NO_SUCCESS_NOTICE`: **true**: The cron task for update mirrors success report is not very useful - as it just means that the mirrors have been queued. Therefore this is turned off by default.
-`RUN_AT_START`: **false**: Run cleanup hook_task at start time (if ENABLED).
-`SCHEDULE`: **@every 24h**: Cron syntax for cleaning hook_task table.
-`CLEANUP_TYPE`**OlderThan** OlderThan or PerWebhook Method to cleanup hook_task, either by age (i.e. how long ago hook_task record was delivered) or by the number to keep per webhook (i.e. keep most recent x deliveries per webhook).
-`OLDER_THAN`: **168h**: If CLEANUP_TYPE is set to OlderThan, then any delivered hook_task records older than this expression will be deleted.
-`NUMBER_TO_KEEP`: **10**: If CLEANUP_TYPE is set to PerWebhook, this is number of hook_task records to keep for a webhook (i.e. keep the most recent x deliveries).
-`SCHEDULE`: **@every 24h** : Interval as a duration between each synchronization, it will always attempt synchronization when the instance starts.
-`UPDATE_EXISTING`: **true**: Create new users, update existing user data and disable users that are not in external source anymore (default) or only create new users if UPDATE_EXISTING is set to false.
-`ENABLE_AUTO_GIT_WIRE_PROTOCOL`: **true**: If use git wire protocol version 2 when git version >= 2.18, default is true, set to false when you always want git wire protocol version 1
-`PULL_REQUEST_PUSH_MESSAGE`: **true**: Respond to pushes to a non-default branch with a URL for creating a Pull Request (if the repository has them enabled)
-`TOKEN`: **\<empty\>**: You need to specify the token, if you want to include in the authorization the metrics . The same token need to be used in prometheus parameters `bearer_token` or `bearer_token_file`.
-`LANGS`: **en-US,zh-CN,zh-HK,zh-TW,de-DE,fr-FR,nl-NL,lv-LV,ru-RU,ja-JP,es-ES,pt-BR,pt-PT,pl-PL,bg-BG,it-IT,fi-FI,tr-TR,cs-CZ,sr-SP,sv-SE,ko-KR**: List of locales shown in language selector
-`NAMES`: **English,简体中文,繁體中文(香港),繁體中文(台灣),Deutsch,français,Nederlands,latviešu,русский,日本語,español,português do Brasil,Português de Portugal,polski,български,italiano,suomi,Türkçe,čeština,српски,svenska,한국어**: Visible names corresponding to the locales
-`QUEUE_CONN_STR`: **redis://**: Task queue connection string, available only when `QUEUE_TYPE` is `redis`. If redis needs a password, use `redis://123@`.
-`ALLOWED_DOMAINS`: **\<empty\>**: Domains allowlist for migrating repositories, default is blank. It means everything will be allowed. Multiple domains could be separated by commas.
-`BLOCKED_DOMAINS`: **\<empty\>**: Domains blocklist for migrating repositories, default is blank. Multiple domains could be separated by commas. When `ALLOWED_DOMAINS` is not blank, this option will be ignored.
-`ALLOW_LOCALNETWORKS`: **false**: Allow private addresses defined by RFC 1918, RFC 1122, RFC 4632 and RFC 4291
is `data/lfs` and the default of `MINIO_BASE_PATH` is `lfs/`.
-`STORAGE_TYPE`: **local**: Storage type for lfs, `local` for local disk or `minio` for s3 compatible object storage service or other name defined with `[storage.xxx]`
-`SERVE_DIRECT`: **false**: Allows the storage driver to redirect to authenticated URLs to serve files directly. Currently, only Minio/S3 is supported via signed URLs, local does nothing.
-`PATH`: **./data/lfs**: Where to store LFS files, only available when `STORAGE_TYPE` is `local`. If not set it fall back to deprecated LFS_CONTENT_PATH value in [server] section.
-`MINIO_ENDPOINT`: **localhost:9000**: Minio endpoint to connect only available when `STORAGE_TYPE` is `minio`
-`MINIO_ACCESS_KEY_ID`: Minio accessKeyID to connect only available when `STORAGE_TYPE` is `minio`
-`MINIO_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY`: Minio secretAccessKey to connect only available when `STORAGE_TYPE is``minio`
-`MINIO_BUCKET`: **gitea**: Minio bucket to store the lfs only available when `STORAGE_TYPE` is `minio`
-`MINIO_LOCATION`: **us-east-1**: Minio location to create bucket only available when `STORAGE_TYPE` is `minio`
-`MINIO_BASE_PATH`: **lfs/**: Minio base path on the bucket only available when `STORAGE_TYPE` is `minio`
-`MINIO_USE_SSL`: **false**: Minio enabled ssl only available when `STORAGE_TYPE` is `minio`
## Storage (`storage`)
Default storage configuration for attachments, lfs, avatars and etc.
-`SERVE_DIRECT`: **false**: Allows the storage driver to redirect to authenticated URLs to serve files directly. Currently, only Minio/S3 is supported via signed URLs, local does nothing.
-`MINIO_ENDPOINT`: **localhost:9000**: Minio endpoint to connect only available when `STORAGE_TYPE` is `minio`
-`MINIO_ACCESS_KEY_ID`: Minio accessKeyID to connect only available when `STORAGE_TYPE` is `minio`
-`MINIO_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY`: Minio secretAccessKey to connect only available when `STORAGE_TYPE is``minio`
-`MINIO_BUCKET`: **gitea**: Minio bucket to store the data only available when `STORAGE_TYPE` is `minio`
-`MINIO_LOCATION`: **us-east-1**: Minio location to create bucket only available when `STORAGE_TYPE` is `minio`
-`MINIO_USE_SSL`: **false**: Minio enabled ssl only available when `STORAGE_TYPE` is `minio`
And you can also define a customize storage like below:
; Minio endpoint to connect only available when STORAGE_TYPE is `minio`
MINIO_ENDPOINT = localhost:9000
; Minio accessKeyID to connect only available when STORAGE_TYPE is `minio`
; Minio secretAccessKey to connect only available when STORAGE_TYPE is `minio`
; Minio bucket to store the attachments only available when STORAGE_TYPE is `minio`
; Minio location to create bucket only available when STORAGE_TYPE is `minio`
MINIO_LOCATION = us-east-1
; Minio enabled ssl only available when STORAGE_TYPE is `minio`
And used by `[attachment]`, `[lfs]` and etc. as `STORAGE_TYPE`.